OPENING HOURS: The centre will be open from 830am to 330pm. We will be required to maintain bubbles of 10 children. As spaces are limited, you MUST contact the centre prior to bringing your child/ren in, and secure a booking.
FEES: Fees will be charged for BOOKED spaces during this time only. If you do not book in with Amandeep, your child can not attend and you will not be charged. This is during Alert Level 3 only.
SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES: Adults dropping off children will need to maintain a 2M distance from others. Only one adult and their child(ren) (current centre children) will be able to be within the entrance gate at any one time. School aged children will not be able to access the building, or grounds. If there is a queue, please remain in your car, until a safe distance from others can be maintained. You must wear a mask as you approach the centres entrance.
During the day, experiences will be set out to encourage as much distancing as possible. Meals will be staggered, reducing the number of children in any one space at a time. Teachers will ensure the regular fun and learning programme is maintained within safe practices.
MEALS: All meals (Morning tea, Lunch and Afternoon Tea) will need to be provided by families each day. These need to be packed into a lunch box, and follow the centres guidelines for lunchboxes.
HEALTH CHECKS: Temperature checks of children and staff may happen upon entrance. All staff and children who look unwell will have their temperatures checked before entering the rooms. Anyone with a temperature of 37.8 or above will not be allowed to enter the centre, until the temperature is able to be managed without medication for a minimum of 24 hours.
People displaying higher temperatures should contact Healthline on 08003585453 for their next steps.
NO ENTRY IF SYMPTOMATIC: If any teacher, parent or child feels any one or more of the COVID 19 symptoms as stated on the Ministry of Health website:
- a cough
- a high temperature (at least 38°C)
- shortness of breath.
- sore throat
- sneezing and runny nose
- temporary loss of smell,
they will not be allowed entry into our centre. See guidelines here:
If any parent starts to feel any of the COVID 19 symptoms while at work during the day, and if there is no other pickup option for the child, then before entering our centre to pick up their child, they must call our centre and wait outside the front entrance. One of our teachers will sign out and bring their child to them. The parent should then contact Healthline on 0800 358 5453, for their next steps, before returning to our centre.
OTHER HEALTH CONCERNS: If adults or children are displaying any other signs of illness, they will be sent home immediately, or isolated in the office until they can be collected with urgency. We will have a zero tolerance to illness in the centre.
HAND WASHING: We encourage staff, you and your child to wash your hands thoroughly before leaving home. Handwashing will be promoted and encouraged throughout the day. Alcohol sanitiser is available for use within the centre. Everybody who enters the centre will need to use this. Parents will need to help their own children with the sanitiser before handing their child over to a teacher.
DROPPING YOUR CHILD OFF: Please put on your mask before entering the gated area. Please ring the doorbell, and wait for a teacher to greet you and your child at the front door and your child will be taken through to the classroom to settle. No parents will be allowed to enter the centre. Please be mindful of distancing measures with staff during the drop off times. We understand that some children might be unsettled at this time, and the teachers will advise best practice for current circumstances. The Daily roll will be signed, and the parents name will be clearly printed on the regular sign in sheets, which will be used for contact tracing if required.
COLLECTION OF YOUR CHILD: Parents will not be allowed to enter the rooms to collect their child. Instead, put on your mask and ring the door bell, or call from the carpark, and we will collect your child and their belongings and bring them to you at the front door.
BUBBLE SIZES: We will work with parents on a needs basis (i.e. essential workers, parents who must return to work, etc) in determining the priority based makeup of each “mini-bubble” group. Group sizes and centre numbers will be decided in relation to the Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Educations guidelines at the time.
Enrolment numbers overall may be reduced to accommodate temporary Public Health recommendations.
RESOURCES: Equipment will only be available if they are easily cleaned and sanitisable. Other equipment will be santitised throughout the day.
CANCELLATION OF ENROLMENT: If any parent is found negligent, or puts our community at risk, or fails to comply with our rules and Ministry of Health guidelines, then their enrolment will be cancelled and we may be required to report them to the Ministry of Health.
NO ENTRY FOR VISITORS: Unless essential work is required. All deliveries will be left outside.
NO ENTRY FOR WALK-INS: We do not allow walk-ins by anyone with non-enrolled children to any of our centres for the foreseeable future.
NO EXCURSIONS: We have postponed all centre excursions for the foreseeable future to eliminate contact with strangers or unclean surfaces. There is ample exciting discovery, exploration and fun awaiting our children still in our playgrounds.
QR CODES: Are available for contact tracing app in the entrance ways. Please use this also.
PRE-BOOKED TRANSITIONS: Transitional visits will not take place at Level 3. These will be rebooked at Level 2.