With Winter comes a lot more bugs and illnesses. We also know that this can put a lot of pressure on families when you need to keep your child at home.
From 1st June, we are introducing Sick Leave credits to help ease this pressure.
In addition to the 2 weeks free for holidays, we are also offering 2 weeks free per year for illnesses. Unlike the holiday credits, you are able to use 1 day at a time, or several. You will just need to contact the centre prior to 9am on the day of absence and let us know your child is sick, and we will pop that credit through. This will now replace isolation credits, and you are able to use the Sick Leave Allowance for this if you wish to do so. Full fees will apply after the 2 weeks have been used, or if no prior notice is given.
We would also like to remind our whanau how important it is to keep your child at home when they are sick to keep other children and staff safe. We will only send children home if we feel it is in the childs best interest to be at home.
Children should not attend the Centre in the following circumstances:
If vomiting or diarrhoea has occurred children are not able to attend the Centre until 48 hours after the last incident. Children need to be symptom free and their energy returned to a level that allows them to participate in a vigorous play environment;
- Conjunctivitis is extremely contagious and children should remain absent until 24 hours after medical treatment;
- Cold and flu symptoms currently require a RATs test, and child needs to be symptom free for 24 hours. The child needs to be tested every 48 hours while unwell. This is the current criteria from Auckland Regional Public Health
- a new or worsening cough × sneezing and runny nose
- sore throat × shortness of breath etc…
- Pain relief medications can only be administered if prescribed by a doctor;
- High temperatures of 38°C or higher will be immediately notified to parents who will be asked to collect their child; Children must not return if they still require Pamol (or similar) to control the fever.
- Any rashes or cluster of blisters on the body, unless written clearance from the child GP is obtained.
- Pain relief for teething children is a different circumstance and will be allowed at the discretion of the management;
- Other remedies, traditional or otherwise, will only be administered as negotiated with the family/whānau;
We trust that you will support us in providing a safe and healthy environment for all the children, and our team of wonderful teachers and staff.
Stay happy and healthy