Learning Curves Childcare

This page is designed to offer more information about Learning Curves and to explain some of our routines and procedures.



The Centre will be closed on statutory holidays, regular fees will apply.

Children are entitled to 2 times their regular enrolled days (eg 5 days enrollment = 10 days, 3 day enrollment = 6 days) per calendar year, after 3 months attendance, free of charge for any absences, where the centre is notified prior to 9am on the day of absence. This discount is available on the provision that we are keeping their space open. They are not accumulative and will not be paid out at the end of enrollment. These can only be used if the child is continuing their enrollment at Learning Curves. For families receiving WINZ subsidies / discounts,  the discount is taken off the parent portion of the fees. Account balances must be one week in advance.

When booking holidays a written notice 2 weeks prior to taking this leave is required. In circumstances where the child does not attend the centre for more than 21 days a child’s place in the centre may no longer be made available unless prior arrangements are made with the Centre Manager. The anniversary for credits being renewed is 1st December each year. In circumstances where a child is withdrawn and re-enrolled the anniversary can only be applied once.

For 2023, One weeks’ credit is available if your child tests positive for COVID-19, and is required to isolate.

Full fees apply after credits are used.



If your child has an accident during the session this will be recorded in the Accident Book.  If your child has a knock to the head or a cut, we will ask you to counter-sign this book.  All Qualified staff are trained in First Aid and have a good knowledge of first aid situations.



On the day closest to your child’s birthday we have a small party at either morning or afternoon tea.  We sing Happy Birthday, have a cake (that we have cooked) and give a nursery rhyme Birthday Certificate.



Please take care when driving into either Centre, there are young children getting out of cars throughout the day.  There are marked parking spaces in the carpark for your use. Remember that all children need suitable safety restraints when aged under 7 years, it is now the law to comply with this regulation.



We required two week’s written notice if you wish to change your childs enrolled days / times, or if you wish to cancel enrolment.



In the unlikely event of a civil emergency your child will be kept at Learning Curves until you are able to collect them. Should we have to evacuate, we will be in contact with Civil Defence, who will nominate a location for us to move to. A notice will be taped in a prominent place outside the centre, letting you know where we are.



When you first enrol your child we will ask you to complete an Enrolment Agreement which will list all the information we need to care for your child.  If there are any changes to the details on the original Enrolment Agreement, please let us know immediately, especially addresses and telephone numbers.



If you haven’t received a separate Fee Sheet, please see the Manager for one, it outlines the various types.


All Day 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

School Days 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If you are late collecting your child it will be charged at $25 per 15 minutes or part thereof, and will be billed to your account.



We are required by law to hold information regarding the status of your child’s immunisation.  We have a policy of “informed consent”, and your choice to immunize or not, does not affect any judgments of the child or family. We need to know the status of immunisation in cases where a disease is in the community and families need to be aware of the risk factors for their families. If your child is not immunized against a particular disease the Health Department may request that your child is kept away from the Centre for a specified period of time.  This decision is not made by Centre management.



Any items of clothing, shoes or hats that we find are placed in the Lost Property Box, please ask a staff member for its location. Please ensure that all personal property is named clearly. It is really easy to label clothing with a felt tip on the label, and if you can’t find one at home, ask one of the staff to help you out.



If your child needs to be given some medicine whilst attending the Centre, this information must be recorded in our Medicine Book, please ask a staff member for this.  Medicines are to be stored in the kitchen—please do not leave medications in your child’s bag—this can be a very dangerous place for them if other children manage to get into the bag. We do not hold Pamol in the Centre for general use.  If your child has a temperature then there is an infection that needs to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor. Families and caregivers need to be aware that the staff in the Centre are not medically trained, but are considered responsible to administer oral medicines.  If you have any concerns or special needs with regard to the administration of medicines, please see the Supervisor.



The menu for each week is displayed on the wall outside the kitchen and these are kept on file for 12 months. We consider lunch-time to be an important meal for young children, therefore we provide a balanced diet which is cooked. We make our own yoghurt, biscuits, cakes, etc., to ensure that there aren’t too many sugary treats.  Peanut butter isn’t used in the meals because of the close link to asthma, eczema and food allergies.

If your child has a special diet need, e.g. vegetarian, dairy free, etc., please write this on the Enrolment Application and talk to our Manager and Cook about what is required.  We encourage all children to eat the food we prepare and do not provide separate meals unless there is a dietary consideration. Our staff are available at all times if you wish to discuss any concerns or have any questions.



Once a month we publish a Newsletter that will update you on all comings and goings in the Centre.  The Newsletter will be placed in your Family/Whanau Pocket by the front door.  If you haven’t got one, we keep spare copies in the office so just ask a staff member for one.



Parents and families are always welcome in the Centre, we would love to have you visit, even if it is only to observe and see what the programme is all about. If you have a particular gift that you would like to share, such as playing the guitar, weaving baskets, or baking with children, talk to us about getting involved in the programme.  We often go on excursions such as the Auckland Zoo, local library, bus rides, train rides, etc., and we ask parents to accompany us on these occasions.



You are welcome to stay in the Centre for as long as you wish, and it is encouraged that transitional visits are completed beforehand so that your child is familiar with us. When it comes time for you to leave, we find that it is best to give one kiss and cuddle, hand the child over to a waiting staff member, say good-bye and leave immediately. Your child may become upset, and this is quite natural and normal, don’t be upset by it. Eventually your child will learn to trust that you are coming back. If you are finding separation difficult, please come and have a chat with us. Feel free to give us a call anytime during the day to see how your child is doing.



Owing to the risk of infection, we are unable to take care of sick children. Your child should be kept at home if there are any of the following symptoms:

            A high temperature (38ºC or above)

            Inflamed throat or eyes

            An unidentified rash

            An upset stomach or diarrhea

If your child is unable to attend, please notify the Centre by 8.30 am. A doctor’s release statement must be presented if the illness is communicable. We expect our staff to abide by these same health policies. Following these rules assists in having a safe centre. Credits may be available when your child is kept at home due to illness. We are unable to substitute or provide in-lieu days for sick days.



Whenever your child attends the Centre they must be signed in on the Daily Roll that is located outside the office.  This is also known as an emergency evacuation roll where we keep tabs on when the children are in and out of the Centre.




Please bring a bag with at least one change of clothes.  If your child is still in nappies, either put a good supply in the bag or give us a whole pack to store here at the centre (we will write the name on the pack of nappies). We encourage children to bring in natural resources such as leaves, pine cones, shells and other odds and ends that they may discover.  We are always on the hunt for collage materials such as milk bottle tops, cardboard, paper, dried flowers. If you would like to bring in a favourite book or special news item, please hand them to a staff member so they can be looked after.



As all our meals are prepared on the premises it is not necessary to bring any food.  Our Health and Safety Policy states that confectionary and other snack foods are not allowed in the Centre. Personal toys are easily lost or mislaid and Learning Curves cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage incurred; however, we welcome such things as books that can be shared easily with the child’s group. Therefore, other than bringing a favourite toy during that period of time while the child is adjusting to the newness of the Centre, we ask you to help your child understand that it is not wise to bring valuable toys or things your child may not wish to share.



Whenever we take the children out of the Centre, either by bus or cars, we ask for your separate, written permission on each occasion.  When we are organizing a “whole Centre” trip where everyone is involved, and you do not wish to have your child taken along, we need plenty of time to make alternative arrangements.



On the Enrolment Agreement there is an area for listing the names of people who have your authority to collect your child.  However, while we are still getting to know your faces, please write down on the Daily Roll, under the comments column, if anyone different is collecting your child that day, and please also tell a staff member.



If you are unsure whether you are eligible for a Childcare Subsidy from WINZ, please check with your local WINZ office. Families are obliged to keep WINZ informed of a change in their circumstances.  It is also important for us to know of these changes.  Subsidies will not be given, or altered, unless we have been notified by WINZ or received the payment, for the change.